Problem Statement

Web2 Perspective:

In the rapidly evolving Web2 landscape, the gig economy faces significant challenges in offering flexible work opportunities and fair rewards for both task-takers and task-makers. Traditional gig platforms often lack transparency and trust, leading to concerns about authenticity and fairness. Additionally, the centralized control of data by these platforms limits valuable insights for mission makers, hindering community-building efforts and overall engagement. The gig economy further struggles to effectively integrate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and leverage their potential to create gamified experiences for a broader user base. Efficient payment and reward distribution processes are also lacking, impacting user satisfaction and trust.

Web3 Perspective:

However, in the Web3 space, there is still a lack of applications bridging the gap with the traditional economy. It is essential to have an economy like the Gig economy that serves as a crucial link between Web2 and Web3, enabling seamless integration and fostering a dynamic ecosystem. MissionMap aims to address this need by providing a comprehensive solution that leverages the benefits of both web domains, empowering users to participate in a decentralized gig economy with enhanced opportunities and rewards.

Problem Statement

MissionMap is a platform dedicated to addressing the challenges of the gig economy in the Web2 space while also contributing to solving the economic puzzle in the Web3 domain. By tackling these issues, MissionMap aims to provide a comprehensive solution that bridges the gap between the two web domains and empowers users to participate in a dynamic and rewarding decentralized gig economy.

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